
Health & Safety

What's a patch test?

We are legally required to test some colour product we use on your skin, at least 48 hours before your colour appointment. This is for your safety, to ensure that you don't suffer an adverse reaction to the product we use.

We're unable to accept written or printed confirmation of patch/skin tests with the same product at a different salon. You must be tested by us at our location. Failure to book a consultation when instructed will result in us not being able to fulfil your service.

Food & drink

We offer clients a range of hot and cold drinks, as well as treats such as Cake or Death brownies. If you have specific dietary requirements, please refer to cakeordeath.co.uk and check with your stylist for more information. 


What's your cancellation notice?

It's important to us that we respect your time and vice versa. We protect your booking in our calendar with a deposit. Vanessa Morgan requires at least 48 hours' notice in order to cancel or move your appointment. Failure to do so will result in deposit forfeiture.

No shows are disruptive and disrespectful. When we book your appointment, we protect that time in our booking system. If you don't attend your appointment, it's time that we could be offering to someone else, had we been given notice. There is a requirement for you to pay in full if you don't show up. We aren't immune to high bills and as an independent business, we need clients to show up in order to stay open.

Other stylists may operate a different cancellation policy, which is at their discretion.


Our brand is our brand.

We reserve the right to protect the use of the Heartbreakers name, brand, likeness, domain and imagery via print, digital and social media platforms.

Use of Heartbreakers Hair Co's brand, name and imagery is at the discretion of the company directors.

 CCTV in operation

We operate CCTV within our premises for security purposes.